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Buy novel characters

This price list applies to passive - interactive novels where you do not take part in writing yourself, but can read yourself regularly in the selected novel:

Image by Jakob Owens

Small supporting role

Subscription period: at least 6 months

The character appears only occasionally in the plot of the novel and has very little text.

(comparable: extra)

€ 10,-- / month

Image by Myke Simon

Small lead

Subscription period: at least 6 months

This character appears regularly and has a major impact on the novel's plot.

€ 100,-- / month

Image by Ben Collins

Medium supporting role

Subscription period: at least 6 months

The character appears occasionally in the story. The role has a little more text.

€ 25,-- / month

Image by Mirko Fabian


Subscription period: at least 6 months

An absolute lead role, which is an important part of the plot. It appears most often and has the most text.

€ 500,-- / month

Image by Denise Jans

Major supporting role

Subscription period: at least 6 months

This character appears regularly in the story and already contributes significantly to the plot.

€ 50,-- / month

More details:

  • The passive-interactive novels are continued weekly by the author - in small chapters - and immediately published as a raw manuscriptForum posted online. After every 15 chapters, a booklet appears,  in the final edition - first as a pdf, later as an ebook and finally as a printed booklet. Audio books (except comics) will follow later

    For the purchase process:


  • When buying a novel character and thus taking out a subscription, the buyer of the character receives a confirmation of the purchase of his character.

  • The author will contact you within 24 hours to make an appointment (for one included in the price) 
    1 hour live chat to arrange. 


  • In the chat she will ask, for example, in which novel and with which character traits the buyer wants to appear in the novel.

  • After that, the buyer receives a personalized certificate, which precisely names the character and the novel in which the buyer will appear under his pseudonymous name. (Of course, the purchased character will be integrated into the story and cannot just fall out of the sky ;)

  • The minimum term of the subscription is 6 months. It can be renewed monthly thereafter.

  • The character's life time runs from the character's first appearance and lasts until their "death". So 6 months or depending on the extension.

  • Because if the buyer cancels the subscription or stops paying, the character dies or travels to another dimension so that it no longer appears in the novel for him.

  • If you buy a character, you will receive a 20% discount on all booklets and audio books in which this character appears.

  • The rights to the content/novels belong exclusively to Barbarella C. Sinclair. 

  • The stories may not be reproduced, published or sold without the permission of the author.

  • And the best for the end: You can also earn a character by helping to market the project or upgrade a character you have already bought. You can find out more about this here.

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"Logbook der Spacerider 1"
Sam (frei: mürrischer alter Polizist)
Chris (wieder frei: junger devoter Polizist)
Spycer (frei: älterer netter & gutmütiger Typ - Geldwäscher)
Pygar (verkaufte Rolle: Bänker & Schwiegersohn von Big Z) (unerkäuflich - Alien im sexy Blondinenkörper)
brünette Frau (frei)
rothaarige Frau (frei)
Tango Toni (wieder frei: Chef vom Dirty Laundry Club & kleiner Ganove)
SAK6969 (unverkäuflich: sexy Cop & Lover von Space-Barb)
Ronny (wieder frei: Barkeeper der sich gerne fesseln läßt)
Luanne (frei: Alien im Körper einer farbigen Frau - Freundin von Barb)
Big Z (frei: Bösewicht mit Macht, der die Erde zerstören will)
"Die Barbonauten"
Monatlicher Abopreis:
€ 10,--/mtl.
€ 25,--/mtl.
€ 50,--/mtl.
€ 100,--/mtl.
€ 500/mtl.
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