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Interactive Novels

(Idee dazu von Barbarella C. Sinclair 2013)

active - interactive novel

Write your fantasy/novel actively and interactively with the author

  • Actively write your story and be in interactive contact with Barbarella C. Sinclair.

  • Choose a genre of your choice:

  • Adventure / Action

  • love / eroticism

  • Science fiction / fantasy

  • Crime / Thriller

  • Horror / Psycho

  • drama / tragedy

  • humor / comedy

  • children's books

  • animal stories

  • The author is your guide and leads you into your personal fantasy world.

  • Write short fantasies with her or whole novels.

  • Either just for you orhe as publication.

  • In book form

  • e-book

  • audiobook

New world

passive - interactive novel

Passively-interactively create the plots of Barbarella C. Sinclair's novels and comics.

  • Be there when a novel is created in real time.

  • The "Lokbook der Space Rider 1" is a passive - interactive SiFi erotic novel.

  • Passive-interactive means: the author spontaneously incorporates readers into her novel. 

  • Either their fantasies or really as a character in the book.

  • She is personally in contact with the fans of the novel (via booked chat time.)

  • The fans can later read themselves or listen to the audio book.

  • The story develops continuously, and appears regularly - like a television series.

  • Each logbook entry contains an erotic photo.

  • Online book readings can be booked.

Image by Efe Kurnaz
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