Interactive Novels
(Idee dazu von Barbarella C. Sinclair 2013)
active - interactive novel
Write your fantasy/novel actively and interactively with the author
Actively write your story and be in interactive contact with Barbarella C. Sinclair.
Choose a genre of your choice:
Adventure / Action
love / eroticism
Science fiction / fantasy
Crime / Thriller
Horror / Psycho
drama / tragedy
humor / comedy
children's books
animal stories
The author is your guide and leads you into your personal fantasy world.
Write short fantasies with her or whole novels.
Either just for you orhe as publication.
In book form
passive - interactive novel
Passively-interactively create the plots of Barbarella C. Sinclair's novels and comics.
Be there when a novel is created in real time.
The "Lokbook der Space Rider 1" is a passive - interactive SiFi erotic novel.
Passive-interactive means: the author spontaneously incorporates readers into her novel.
Either their fantasies or really as a character in the book.
She is personally in contact with the fans of the novel (via booked chat time.)
The fans can later read themselves or listen to the audio book.
The story develops continuously, and appears regularly - like a television series.
Each logbook entry contains an erotic photo.
Online book readings can be booked.